After Stroke Peer Support Toolkit for individuals to develop, deliver and maintain group-based peer support
The After Stroke Peer Support Toolkit guides are available here for download.
Introduction to the Toolkit (PDF)
This toolkit can be used as a step-by-step guide to help you build your peer support group. You can also use it as a toolbox where you pick and choose the information and tools that you need for your group.
Click here to download Introduction to the Toolkit (PDF)
Before Starting a Peer Support Group (PDF)
Before you can set up a peer support group, you need to make sure that the community needs a group. You also need to find people who can help do the work to set up the peer support group.
Click here to download Before Starting a Peer Support Group (PDF)
Build Your Peer Support Group (PDF)
Once you are ready to build your peer support group, you are ready to decide what your group looks like and find the people and resources you need to run the group.
Click here to download Build Your Peer Support Group (PDF)
Run Peer Support Group Meetings (PDF)
You are now ready to start holding peer support meetings. This section will help you welcome new members, plan, and get ready for your peer support meetings.
Click here to download Run Peer Support Group Meetings (PDF)
Evaluate and Grow Your Group (PDF)
Check in to see if your program is helping the members and think of ways to grow your program so more people can benefit form it.
Click here to download Evaluate and Grow Your Group (PDF)
Facilitator Guide (PDF)
This section includes information on how to guide peer support group discussions and manage common challenges.
Click here to download Facilitator Guide (PDF)
We hope the guides in the After Stroke Peer Support Toolkit will help you successfully implement and maintain your community-based peer support group.